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Return to list2019-07-18 - Email blacklisting issues
Recently one of our users had his site hacked and it was used to spew spam. Although we quickly identified the problem and blocked it by then we were listed in on an email blacklist.
I have requested that our IP be delisted but the blacklister told us that it would be at least 48 hours before we were cleared.
As that was way too long for email to be held I thought that I would try a trick to get the email flowing. Unfortunately that failed and caused all queued email to bounce with strange errors.
The good news is that nothing was thrown away. The email that was blocked was returned to you so all you have to do is send it again. It will go back into our queue and wait for the listing to clear.
Please note that not all email was blocked. Some sites ignored the listing or ran their own traps that are able to be cleared faster. If you did not receive a bounce then you can assume that your email was sent just fine.
At this time I am hesitatnt to try to debug the trick as it might cause email to bounce again. I think that we just have to ride it out. I am discussing with the blacklister to see if we can't speed up the process but they don't seem to be interested in working with us.
We apologize for the inconvenience but we are dealing with a situation that is out of our control. We will continue to monitor the situation.